Meet our beer system expert, Paul Newing
I started picking up glasses at the Brass Monkey Hotel in 1991. When heaving mighty racks of Redback glasses above your head gave you status and beers with big heads and weird shaped glasses were new in our market.
When promoted to Cellarman I was taught by the great man Jamie Cook the importance of beer hygiene and correct maintenance of a draught beer system. In those days we traded out every night. The Brass Monkey had 330 liters of beer in its lines. Can you imagine that today?
I lugged kegs into the cellar by hand and tapped real ales on the bar with a brass tap and wooden mallet. Craft was emerging at a time when the only difference in beers at most pubs was the size of the vessel you drank out of.
From the Brass Monkey my journey took me to Matilda Bay then to Carlton United Breweries where 17 years as a service technician fine tuned my skills. From here came 5 years running Lancer in WA culminating in the highlight of my carear so far in being selected as the man to design, install, and service the Draught Beer System at Perth’s Optus Stadium.
The market is full of companies who will tell you that they are the “Best” or “Only” place you should be getting your beer system from and I’m calling bull on this, everyone has their point of difference and their “unique” offering.
If you are interested in talking to someone who has worked every level of the hospitality industry, knows how bars work and how they don’t, then give Arcus a ring. After that, look at all your options and make an educated decision based on all the information you have gathered and not just from the guy who says he’s the best.