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08 9241 8888

Turbofan 4 x 1/1 GN Electric Convection Oven and Cooktop


The best performing ideas in the Turbofan range have been re-designed, re-developed and re-born as a durable series of convection ovens designed for ease of use, increased application and future-proof durability. Each product in the series carries Turbofan performance and durability in its DNA. The superior looks are also fully supported by an array of incredible features, and the range is further complemented by P Series prover / holding cabinets and oven support stands.

The E931M includes 2 x 2kw and 2 x 1.5kw high speed hot plates with a 4 x 4/1 GN tray oven featuring 80mm spacing.


  • 4 x 1/1 GN pan capacity
  • 80mm tray spacing
  • 2 x 2kW high speed front hot plate elements
  • 2 x 1.5kW high speed rear hot plate elements
  • Low velocity circulation fan
  • Mechanical thermostat 50-270C
  • 60 minute timer with time-up buzzer
  • Grill mode

Specifications Sheet